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Frequently Asked Casino Questions

Are we allowed to host a casino party in MO?

Yes, you can host a casino-themed party with real casino tables and slot machines for fun, when you don't play for real money or items of value. We strongly recommend that you consult your legal advisor for details. Don't forget to check with your venue for permission, as well.

Our casino equipment is rented for amusement purposes only, and users are responsible for complying with all local, state, and federal gaming regulations.

No actual money, legal tender, items of value or promises of such may be exchanged while using casino games unless one carries a gaming license.

If your event is a fundraiser, you should already be aware of the many Missouri rules and regulations that permit your registered charitable organization to host games of chance. See Missouri Revised Code. The Missouri Attorney General’s office has posted guidelines and rules for you.

For more information on how Jumping Jacks Events can help make your Casino Night a success, please contact our office.


What are some ways to give out prizes to the winners?

There are several common ways to determine winners and hand out non-money prizes. Each way is awesomely fun, but some methods may work better than others, depending on your group, the timing of your event, and/or what you plan to give as prizes.

High Score

Whoever has the most in chips at the end of the event wins the grand prize, the 2nd-place finisher gets 2nd prize, etc.

Raffle Drawing

At the end of the event, players turn in their chips and receive raffle tickets at a fixed "exchange rate" -- perhaps 1 raffle ticket for every 200 units in chips, for instance. The tickets are then placed in a single raffle drum where winning prize tickets are drawn.

Penny Social

It is similar to a Raffle Drawing but uses a separate basket for each prize instead of multiple prizes drawn from one basket. Players turn in their chips for raffle tickets and place them in only the baskets for the prizes they want to win. Drawings are then done individually for each prize.

Prize Draft

Whoever has the most in chips at the end of the Casino Night gets first choice from a group of prizes, the runner-up gets 2nd pick, 3rd place gets 3rd pick, and so on.

How many people can play at one time? How many tables do I need to accommodate my guests?

It is important to start with the knowledge that each table has a set number of ‘playing positions’. Blackjack, for instance, has 7 playing positions, Craps 8-12 playing positions, etc. (see chart below).

For a traditional Casino Night, we recommend having enough playing positions for 50-60% of your total guest count. This means that if you are expecting 50 people at your party, you will want to have 25-30 playing positions (approximately 3 tables). If you have 100 people, you will want 50-60 playing positions (about 7 tables) and so on.

Based on this information, our casino night coordinator will recommend to you the best ‘mix of tables’ based on what we know to be the most successful and bring the most fun! Blackjack is by far the most popular game, so we always recommend at least one blackjack table!

There are instances where this ratio does not apply. For instance, if you just want a few tables to ‘highlight’ an event where the casino games aren't the primary focus, we might recommend 1-3 tables instead of enough tables to seat the full 50-60% of your guest players. Having other activities and entertainment may reduce this number even more. Or, if you just want one table at your trade show booth or in the corner of an open house, then we can accommodate that, as well.

Here is an estimated number of players per game:

Craps - up to 12 players

Roulette - up to 7 players

Poker Table - up to 7 players

Blackjack - up to 7 players

Cash Vault - 1 player

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